Know The Calories of Every Food By The Supporting of Food Bank APP With 650,000 Different Food.

Food Nutrition, Known By Weighing
From the user experience, simplify the interaction design: select food and weigh the record to learn the detailed 24 nutrient contents

Daily Intake, Clear At a Glance
Manage daily intake of three major nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.) based on personal recommendations

Massive Food Storage Continuously Updated
Covering authoritative data on over 650000 types of food both domestically and internationally, it is classified based on food types in various countries.
Commonly used foods are automatically saved, and custom foods can be added to meet diverse choices.

Analyze Reports And Share Them Anytime
Overview of the compliance status of various nutrients intake on that day, and visualization of nutrient intake.

5 Units Suitable For Weighing Various Types of Food
One-Click to weigh and switch different materials from g/ob:oz/oz/ml(water)/ml(milk)

15 Languages Available
Multi language services, real-time online translation system shared by global users, fast iteration, and real-time updates.